By studying Science at QM, girls benefit from a greater understanding of the world around them and develop a strong skill set for the future. As well as interesting lessons, there are opportunities for field trips for every year group and there is both a Junior Science Club and a Senior Science Society, which invites outside speakers on relevant and topical subjects. After studying the Sciences in Sixth Form, girls often go on to study Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Engineering at university and the department is well versed in helping girls with their applications for these courses and for Oxbridge and the top London universities.
The Science Curriculum
Biology (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5If you have an interest in living things and are keen on a career in Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry or Nursing, Biology is a relevant and exciting subject for you. Practical work brings the fascinating topics to life and all we ask for is your enthusiastic engagement and participation.
Chemistry (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5You will gain a wide range of skills, both practical and cognitive, through studying Chemistry. It gives you an insight into a variety of physical and biological phenomena through the understanding of chemical interactions and chemical processes.
Physics (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5Physics explores the world, analysing nature’s building blocks to give you an understanding of how they can be put together and interact with one another. Developing your core skill set, Physics opens the door to a range of careers. Developing your practical skill set and capabilities, you will be able to easily review facts and draw reasoned, logical conclusions.
Science (GCSE)
Years IV - V (14-16 years), Key Stage 4All girls study Biology, Chemistry and Physics and there are two routes of study, both of which involve separate lessons in each of the three sciences. The first route leads to the award of a separate GCSE in each of the three sciences. Girls with greater aptitude and ability in Science will follow this route which involves studying extra topics. The second route leads to the award of two GCSEs through the AQA Combined Science - Trilogy course. Both routes will provide girls with sufficient background to follow A Level courses in any or all of the three sciences in the Sixth Form.
Science (Key Stage 3)
Years I - III (11-14 years), Key Stage 3In Key Stage 3 studies cover a mix of the sciences with the aim of developing scientific understanding and building up skills for working scientifically in future studies.
An Exceptional Education
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