Through our PSHE Programme we will:
- Empower our girls to identify and assert their own values and aims.
- Ensure our girls have the knowledge and skills to achieve their goals.
- Enable our girls to navigate both school and the wider world safely.
- Give our girls the knowledge and guidance they need to safeguard their own mental and physical health.
The PSHE Programme
A wide range of age-appropriate topics are delivered across all year groups. Students receive timetabled lessons delivered by staff as well as a 'Drop-Down Day' with staff and external providers. The curriculum is organised around the government's statutory PSHE and RSE content, ensuring the girls are fully prepared for school, the wider world and life beyond QM. We run a spiral curriculum; topics are covered again in different year groups in more detail and in an age appropriate manner. The topics taught include:
Year I
Transition and Safety
Skills and Aspirations
Building Relationships
Health and Puberty
Financial Decision Making
Year II
Drugs and Alcohol
Identity and Relationships
Community and Careers
Digital Literacy
Emotional Wellbeing
Year III
Peer Influence and Gangs
Intimate Relationships
Setting Goals
Respectful Relationships
Healthy Lifestyle
Employment Skills and Rights
Year IV
Mental Health
Healthy Relationships
Extremism and Radicalisation
Financial Decision Making
Exploring Influence
Year V
Building for the Future
Personal Safety
Health and Wellbeing
Respectful Relationships
Readiness for Work
Safety and Diversity
Intimate Relationships
Maintaining Relationships
A more detailed overview of the PSHE curriculum can be found in our PSHE and RSE Policy, which is available on the Our Policies page.
The school where self-belief thrives
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