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Queen Margaret's Company Identity

QM Company Information

Company name

Queen Margaret's School, York Limited
Company registered number02010493
Place of registrationRegistered in England & Wales
Registered office address

Registered postal address

Escrick Park, Escrick, York, North Yorkshire YO19 6EU
Company email address

Contact via non-electronic meansPost: Escrick Park, Escrick, York, North Yorkshire YO19 6EU

The Governors are responsible for the management of the company Queen Margaret's School, York Limited. The Governors are, therefore, responsible and liable for the governance and functioning of the School. The Governors are accountable in varying degrees to a variety of stakeholders including girls, parents and staff, the Charity Commission, and Companies House.

The Governors meet as a full board once a term and all members of the Board also serve on one of four Committees; those Committees also meet once a term and report to the full Board. The four committees are the Education Committee, the Pastoral Committee, the Business Committee and the Development Committee. Each Committee has an appointed Chairman and a defined remit (which is kept under review).

Learn more about the QM Governor responsibilities.

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