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Career Preparation

Girls are supported every step of the way, guided through tutor support and a range of activities designed to help them to consider future career options.

We aim to prepare our girls for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that await them in the wider world. The information, resources and activities we offer are designed to help our girls to choose individualised pathways that best suit their personal aims, interests and abilities.

Girls are encouraged to consider a variety of opportunities for the future and develop a strong set of transferable skills and competencies valued by all employers. Morrisby Profiling takes place in Year III with more in-depth testing in Year V. To complement this, one to one interviews are held with all girls in Year V to talk about current studies, interests and potential future directions, and twice-weekly drop-in clinics are available to all. In addition, external speakers are invited to give lectures, workshops and seminars relevant to a variety of professional and creative fields of employment.

The careers event gave me some new ideas which I explored further with my tutor. I am now much clearer on the type of career I am looking for and this has helped inform my subject choice at university.

QM Girl

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