Looking at political ideas and events you will develop your analytical skills and evaluation techniques whilst gaining a sophisticated understanding of the ideological traditions underpinning the different parties that make up the electoral landscape.
As well as the acquisition of knowledge, the Department seeks to encourage participation in important debates such as the value of further constitutional reform and the complex reasons behind increasing voter disaffection in the 21st century. We offer a dynamic course which rewards students who are sufficiently motivated to follow political developments in the news and are keen to embrace and learn the precise terminology used to describe political conventions and ideologies.
The aim is to empower girls to become active citizens, aware of how the UK is governed and the role that they themselves can play in our democracy. The emphasis on extended analytical writing throughout the course equips our students with the communication skills necessary in the modern workplace.
The Government and Politics Curriculum
Politics (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5Politics identifies how governments work and how people interact with their political system. We examine the political systems in the UK and the USA at a period where both systems appear under considerable pressure. The course identifies where power lies, as well as how we, as individuals, can shape political decisions and examine the different ideological traditions which shape most of our political parties today.
No specific content knowledge is required, but students do need a good standard of written English because of the essay-based nature of the subject. The course is well suited to students who enjoy reading and commitment to keeping up to date with often rapidly-changing political events. The department employs a range of teaching strategies to deliver content in a stimulating way. Assessment is exclusively through extended writing and challenging analysis of source material.
An Exceptional Education
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