Discover the Art Advantage at Queen Margaret's School
At Queen Margaret's, we're proud to offer an exceptional blend of resources and support that sets us apart.
Cutting-Edge Art Facilities: Our state-of-the-art art facilities provide an inspiring environment for creativity and innovation.
Spacious Studio Spaces: Create and explore in our spacious, well-equipped studios designed to nurture your artistic talents. A Level students are given their own dedicated space to work.
Expert Instruction: Benefit from the guidance of our experienced teaching staff, who are dedicated to helping you reach your artistic potential.
Small Class Sizes: Enjoy a personalised learning experience with our small class sizes, ensuring you receive the attention you deserve.
Personalised Support: We support your unique journey, providing the care and guidance you need to thrive.
Open Teaching Ethos: At Queen Margaret's, we celebrate individuality, fostering an environment where your creativity can flourish without limitations.
At QM, there are no limits and no 'house style'. Instead, we encourage creativity and allow you to explore your own path as an artist
Ready to explore the world of art at QM? Watch our video from Head of Art Sarah Porritt to learn more.
The Art, Design and Technology Curriculum
Art (Key Stage 3)
Years I - III (11-14 years), Key Stage 3In Key Stage 3 the emphasis is on enjoyment. Whilst the acquirement of skills is important, we encourage experimentation where students have a go at things outside of what they believe to be their ability. The courses include, drawing, painting, three dimensional work along with visits to galleries to increase their awareness and appreciation. Once students have completed the course, they will have increased their confidence and, at the same time will have heightened their awareness across the use of a wide range of visual elements.
Art and Design (GCSE)
Years IV - V (14-16 years), Key Stage 4Art and Design is a flexible course which is aimed at developing and improving students’ understanding of media, visual elements and their own creative ability. The QM Art staff will help individuals plan work that suits their interests and personal capabilities. Course Overview The Art and Design course requires students to work with a wide range of art media. Students have the opportunity to explore drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, digital software including PhotoShop, and three-dimensional materials. They will study the work of artists and designers as a means of informing their own work. The development of drawing skills is seen as a key part of the programme. The course begins with a short skills-based project. This is a condensed version of a full-scale project, using observation through photography and drawing, artist analysis and responses, and media explorations, to build confidence in how to explore an idea. The main project will be theme-based and students will develop their own ideas and final pieces. Together these coursework projects will be worth 60% of the total marks. The examination project is an externally set assignment where students develop their work in response to a theme and then complete a 10-hour practical examination. The examination piece and accompanying development is worth 40%.
Art Textiles (GCSE)
Years IV - V (14-16 years), Key Stage 4Art Textiles is a flexible course which is aimed at developing and improving students’ understanding of media, visual elements and their own creative ability. The QM Art staff will help individuals plan work that suits their interests and personal capabilities. Course Overview The Art Textiles course requires students to work with a wide range of art and textiles media. They will study the work of textile artists and designers as a means of informing their own work. Experience in image manipulation through the use of Photoshop will be encouraged. The development of drawing skills is seen as a key part of the programme. The course begins with a short skills-based project. This is a condensed version of a full-scale project, using observation through photography and drawing, then manipulation of images leading to the development of textile samples. The main project will be theme-based and students will develop their own ideas and final pieces. Together these coursework projects will be worth 60% of the total marks. The examination project is an externally set assignment where students develop their work in response to a theme and then complete a 10-hour practical examination. The examination piece and accompanying development is worth 40%.
Fine Art (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5Fine Art at QM is rooted in drawing and embraces a diverse range of media. There is no house style so students are supported to work to their interests and strengths. From large-scale painting to installation, three-dimensional work to illustration, our artists are taught technical skills and given the freedom to express themselves. Our Fine Artists also benefit from our outstanding facilities including well-lit painting studios, large-scale screen printing equipment, and a kiln.
Food Preparation (Key Stage 3)
Years I - III (11-14 years), Key Stage 3Food Preparation is an exciting and challenging subject. In Key Stage 3 you will learn how to make well presented dishes and develop into skilled, confident and knowledgeable practitioners of all things food. Knowledge of nutrition is essential and you will be taught how to maintain a healthy lifestyle by making the correct food choices and recognising the impact of your diet upon your health as a whole. The government guidelines for a healthy lifestyle are taught from Year I, along with the use of the Eatwell Guide as reference for your choices.
Food Preparation and Nutrition (GCSE)
Years IV - V (14-16 years), Key Stage 4Understanding where your food comes from is essential and in Key Stage 4 you will study food provenance, sustainability, ethical and moral considerations and the impact of your choices upon the environment. You will also learn about the functions and chemical properties of ingredients, how to plan, budget and produce high quality dishes using a variety of local and international produce. Learning how to cook is an essential life skill. It enables you to be responsible for your own wellbeing and it encourages sociability, team work, independence and self-esteem. You will carry the skills you learn in this subject forward for the rest of your life.
Graphic Communication (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5Studying Graphic Communication at QM brings creativity and technical skill together with commercial awareness. Graphics is ‘Art with Purpose’, and often this purpose is to promote and sell; although our briefs can be bizarre and fun, think ‘hotel on the moon’! Students are taught the skills to be able to communicate a message through image and text, considering how the formal elements of design convey the values of a brand or event. Students will develop work using physical and digital media, often combining both into unique and impactful designs
Photography (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5“You do not take a photograph, you make it” (Ansel Adams). In Photography A Level at QM, students learn how to make photographs, getting to grips with every element of a successful image from the technical to the creative. Students are taught how to use manual settings on their camera, manipulate light, control studio set-ups, organise models, edit using PhotoShop, whilst also exploring how an image can creatively convey an atmosphere and a narrative.
Textile Design (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5Textile art is one of the oldest forms of art in human civilization, but here at QM it is constantly reinventing itself and we use a diverse range of media in our work. Students are supported to work in creative ways to fulfil their own interests; from large-scale works to small-scale embroidery; from 3D sculptures to delicate fabrics. Students are taught technical skills and given the freedom to express themselves and their ideas. Our Textiles students also benefit from our outstanding facilities including well-lit studios, large-scale screen printing equipment and plenty of sewing machines.
Textile Design (Key Stage 3)
Years I - III (11-14 years), Key Stage 3The emphasis of teaching in Years I-III is on learning key skills such as using sewing machines and learning hand stitching, whilst focusing on using the work of established Textile artists as starting points for creative projects. Utilising skills in a variety of ways, you will be able to understand the means and methods by which artists make, by creating your own work inspired by them.
What's it like studying Art at QM?
Hear from Lower Sixth Former Hattie, who studies three Arts A Level subjects at QM including Graphic Communications, Photography, and Textiles.
QM Student Art Gallery
A Level Fine Art
A Level Graphics
A Level Photography
A Level Textiles
GCSE Fine Art
GCSE Textiles
Key Stage 3 Textiles
An Exceptional Education
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