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What's happening at QM - The Latest News and Events

News & Events

Life at QM is full of opportunity. From academic news to sporting results, stories about the girls, enrichment activities, musical performances, guest speakers, dates for your diary, exciting weekend activities, and much more - there's always new stories to read about. Catch the latest news here.

QM is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Nicola Dudley as its new Head.

QM Announces New Head

Charity Colour Run

Charity Colour Run

Chinese New Year 2024 at Queen Margaret's School for Girls

Chinese New Year 2024

On Monday, a long lie-in was certainly welcomed. While we waited for everyone, some very competitive UNO games were played. We all enjoyed a final delicious breakfast at the hotel before checking out and going back to Blackpool centre for a couple more hours of shopping/UNO playing before heading back to school.  A big thank you must go to Phill for joining us on the trip and driving us around Blackpool, along with all the other staff who made it so much fun!

SIFLO - Winter 2023

SIFLO Autumn 2023

SIFLO - Autumn 2023

Pitlochry Community Weekend 2023

Community Weekend 2023

SIFLO January 2023

SIFLO January 2023