Boarding School Weekends
Weekend Fun
Have you ever wondered what weekends at boarding school are like? Last weekend at QM (17th-19th September), was fun-filled and action-packed - read more to find out what the girls got up to...

Weekends are back to their best at QM, now that year group 'bubbles' are no more and trips off site can be planned with a degree of confidence once again. Last weekend's activities started on Friday evening, in true QM tradition, with vertical House meetings. Students from across the year groups joined together in their Houses, in between planning which songs they will dance to in this year's Fun Song competition, the Pitlochry girls were seen leading each other around the grounds blindfolded as part of a trust building exercise!
Registration begins a little later at 08:45 on a Saturday, before morning lessons. There was an Open Day at the weekend, so many of the girls were involved in welcoming new families to show them what life at QM is really like - they know best, after all. In the afternoon it was wonderful to see a full Hockey fixture list against Ampleforth - some of the matches were away and in turn some of the Ampleforth girls made the trip to QM for a selection of home matches. The sun shone and as parents gathered pitchside there was a really lovely feeling of community and optimism. You can see all the results from the matches in this week's Sports Review.
Saturday evenings usually look a little different for each year group, activities are planned depending on what the girls themselves would like to do. The Red House Housemistresses set up a great outdoor cinema for the Year I and II girls; Years III & IV had a spa night in Atholl House; Winnie's was home to the Year V girls' popcorn and movie night; and the Sixth Formers enjoyed a takeaway and an evening in 'Cellars', the Sixth Form hub.
Sundays can either be a more relaxed affair, with a late brunch, or action-packed; last weekend was certainly the latter, with a group of Year V girls setting off on their Bronze Duke of Edinbugh's Award expedition and with other year groups having the option to visit Flamingo Land. In the coming weeks, paddle boarding, a bake-off challenge and a Red House disco are all on the weekend itinerary.
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