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Girls follow a broad curriculum

Years I - III

Departments go beyond the national curriculum and tailor their courses to the needs and abilities of the girls to stimulate, challenge and excite young minds.

Years I - III (11-12 years) Key Stage 3

Providing an introduction to secondary education, the curriculum for Years I - III for girls aged 11 to 14 years is designed to provide a wide-ranging educational experience. Exploring new subjects, developing new skills and making new friends, girls are encouraged to take part in everything a QM education has to offer and develop a love of learning.

Included in the curriculum is English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Latin, French, Spanish, Religious Studies, History, Geography, Art, Art Textiles, Food Nutrition and Preparation, PSHE & SRE, Music, Drama and Sport.

A window into Queen Margaret's...

The best way to get a taste of everything our school has to offer is to join us on one of our Open Days.

My timetable is packed full of a wide range of different subjects which keeps me happy and very busy throughout the week.

QM Girl

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