The week in sport
Sports Review
Published Friday 28th April 2023

Horse riding success for Eve (Year V)
Congratulations to Eve who competed in the British RC National Dressage Winter Championship during the holidays at Arena UK (after qualifying last year). She came 3rd on her horse Frosty.

Tuesday 25th April
ROUNDERS: U14s vs Bootham U15s
Score: Lost 13.5-9.5
Player of the Match: Celia (Year III)
Our U14s were thrown into the deep end on Tuesday afternoon with their first Rounders fixture of the year - without any training sessions yet!
They did fantastically well fielding in the first inning and managed to catch out 2/3s of the opposition. Their confidence in batting increased in their second inning, with several full rounders won by several members of the team.
The highlight of the match was a fantastic one-handed catch by Celia to put out one of Boothams batters, winning her the Player of the Match title. There was some fantastic teamwork and communication on display from all players, including backing up on 2nd post and moving around to cover space.
Well done to Isabella also, who had never played the game before and did a fantastic job.

Sports and Physical Education Enrichment
At QM, we have a huge range of enrichment activities for sports and physical education. From lacrosse to hockey, netball, running club, football, swimming, lifeguarding, and much more.
Click below to see the 2022/23 activities you can get involved in.
Upcoming Fixtures
For anyone wanting a challenge, Mrs Rastall will be undertaking the Swimathon Challenge in May, swimming 30.9km - or 1,236 lengths of a 25m Pool - that's around 1.82km every day for 17 days in a row.
The Swimathon event actually takes place over the Leave Out weekend - 6th - 8th May, however Mrs Rastall is keen to see girls getting in our own wonderful pool during lunchtimes or the Swim Club sessions to take on a challenge for themselves - from 400m, 1,5km, 2.5km, 5km or even a team 1.5km or 5km.
Saturday, 29 April 2023
- Tennis Fixtures
- Girls-U18A vs St Peter's School, York Details
- Girls-U18B vs St Peter's School, York Details
- Girls-U18C vs St Peter's School, York Details
- Girls-U15A vs St Peter's School, York Details
- Cancelled Girls-U15B vs St Peter's School, York Details
- Girls-U14A vs St Peter's School, York Details
- Girls-U14B vs St Peter's School, York Details
Tuesday, 2 May 2023
- Tennis Fixtures
Wednesday, 3 May 2023
- Netball Fixtures
- 12:30 Girls-U18 Mixed vs Netball - A Level PE moderation Details
- Swimming Fixtures
- 13:30 Girls-U18A vs Swimming - A Level PE Moderation Details
- Hockey Fixtures
- 14:40 1st XI vs Hockey - A Level Moderation Details
Thursday, 4 May 2023
Click here to see the archive of past Sports Reviews.
Your Sporting Stories
If you have any summer sporting success stories we would love to hear them. There is so much talent at QM and we love to celebrate your achievements outside school with the QM Family. Be sure to share your news with the Sports Department or email
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