Sixth Form Competition
QM on TikTok
Sixth Formers - create your own TikTok content for a chance to win a prize.

You may have spotted that we have created our own QM TikTok account.
We're now calling on QM Sixth Formers to create their own videos for the chance to win a prize.
While we have a few videos live already, we really want our Sixth Formers to get involved and show what the school is like from a student point of view. There will be a prize for the winning video, and we will aim to share your content on the QM TikTok page.
All QM Sixth Formers are welcome to create their own TikTok video for the chance to win a prize. The deadline is the end of term, Friday 31st March.
How to enter
- Decide whether you want to enter as a group or individually.
- Get creative and produce your video on the TikTok app.
- Don't publish it just yet! Keep it in your drafts.
- Come to the Marketing office to show us your video.
Content style guide
- The entire video should be 9-15 seconds in length ideally. Up to 30 seconds is ok.
- The video should be ‘short and snappy’.
- The video can either have narration captured directly in the video or include a voiceover recorded afterwards.
Video ideas
- Day in the life: capture a very short clip of many different areas of the school and edit them all together. This could include accommodation, lessons, lunchtime, free time, study.
- Sport: short clips showing the variety of sports you participate in.
- Boarding: show us a tour of your room, dining areas, living areas.
- Favourites: show us short clips of all your favourite things about QM.
- Food: show us all your favourite foods, from the cafeteria to your own meal prep areas.
Below is a video created by a QM Alumna. Her original video has had over 1M views!
General social media guidance
- Remember what you are posting is a reflection of the school.
- Imagine you are communicating with someone in person at QM, your online communication should embody the same values.
- Always use appropriate language and tone. This applies to both your own content and in your replies to other people’s comments.
- Be inclusive with your content themes and language.
- Always wear the appropriate dress in your posts. Follow the school’s dress code during the school day or wear appropriate casual attire at other times.
- Proof (and if possible ask someone else to proof) what you have written before posting it.
- Only post images and videos that you have permission to share and that are not subject to copyright. If other people are included in an image/video you must have their permission before sharing.
- Remember that whatever you post online contributes to your digital footprint, and is available forever. Future employers may check your online profiles.
- Be mindful of who’s in your social media network.
- Please don’t use any QM brand assets (logos, imagery) without permission from the QM Marketing Team.
- If you have any questions, please contact the Marketing Team either in person or by email at