Key stage 3 English
Published 3rd November 2022.

In their English lessons, the Years II and III students have been exploring the gothic novel, Coraline, and they have produced some exceptional work. Their teacher Miss Priestley writes...
"Greta (Year II) created some wonderful figurative writing when exploring the task of 'Introduce and create a new neighbour' for the story of Coraline. She also created an illustration of her new neighbour (holding a raven) and has produced her own manga style drawing of Coraline for my display board which is truly marvellous. Bronwyn (Year II) created an excellent and very detailed illustration of her 'neighbour'. Both Greta and Bronwyn should be very proud of their work."

The students also had to complete a persuasive writing task, in character as the 'Other Mother', whereby they had to attempt to get a message to Coraline (Miss Priestly) in a concealed and anonymous manner. These arrived in various parcels, from a pumpkin to origami roses, from a homemade cake (where the note was carefully concealed inside the bake) to a ghost piñata. There were many others that were equally exciting. Miss Priestley's favourite was the cake - she quickly found out that this wonderful bake had been created by Evangeline (Year II), along with an excellent persuasive writing note.
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