This weekend was the Pitlochry House Community Weekend.
To commemorate the last of the summer weather we decided to forgo the traditional Pitlochry activity of reeling for something more suited to the weather...
After careful consideration, we decided to invite back the wonderful Jessica Mae, who sung for us at the end of last term. This way, all the girls who had so unfortunately missed out previously (due to being in isolation) were able to experience the mini QM festival, and everyone else was treated to a belated encore.
As Sunday approached I had my trepidations on how the weather was going to hold up, but clearly the heavens wished for live music and we were treated to a lovely day - warm and slightly cloudy, the perfect weather for sitting outside without having to worry about suncream rations.

The girls were clearly excited as they started arriving around 1.30, despite Jessica Mae’s first set not due to start until 2! Luckily this meant that we had extra hands to help set up decorations.
It was so great to see the younger years get up and dance towards the front of the stage, and I hope they keep the same energy for Fun Song! And it was clear to see that the churros and smoothies were a bit hit, with queues so long that they went all the way up the bank outside chapel and nearly to school.
Also very popular was the selection of face paint which were used to create some very interesting designs (lots of facial hair appearing amongst the UVI).

As the day was closing off we were treated to some excellent karaoke from a variety of year groups, with a real range of music being displayed - from Aladdin to The Killers. And a barbeque from the dining hall team who, despite the rapidly dropping temperature, put on an absolute feast which I'm sure everyone enjoyed as much as I did; so a massive thank you from me!
I also want to thank Mr Grant for all his help and Ms Davidson for really pulling the weekend together and getting the churros at such short notice.