ISMLA Creative Writing Competition 2023
MFL Writing Competition
Published 26th January 2024

Congratulations to three of our A Level Language students, who have each received a certificate of commendation for their entry to the ISMLA Creative Writing Competition.
The competition offered three different tasks intended to encourage creativity and imagination as well as engagement with the target language culture. Emily P (LVI) envisioned two wildly different reactions to a Salvador Dali painting, while Elsa (LVI) and Freya (UVI) elaborated on the opening line, “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Elsa wrote about inebriated British tourists and bulls, while Freya imagined a story with a broken-down car and the Day of the Dead!
Question 2
Visitas una galería de arte con tu amigo.
Encuentras esta pintura de Salvador Dalí llamada “Premonición de la Guerra Civil” (1936). Tu reacción y la de tu amigo son completamente diferentes. Expresa los dos puntos de vista en el formato que tú prefieras.
(You are visiting an art gallery with your friend. You find this painting painted by Salvador Dalí in 1936 called “Premonición de la Guerra Civil”. You and your friend’s reactions are completely different. Express both points of view in the format that you prefer.)
Question 3 (Short story starting thus...)
Escribe una historia corta que comience así: “Se supone que esto no debía ocurrir.”
(Write a short story beginning with the words: “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”)