Safeguarding Children and Young People at QM
Queen Margaret’s is committed to safeguarding children and young people and we expect everyone who works in our school to share this commitment.

The school aims to achieve a culture of safety, equality and protection where it will endeavour to act in the best interests of all pupils. Adults working at Queen Margaret’s are committed to promoting the welfare of all girls, regardless of age, special needs or disability, racial/cultural heritage, religious belief or sexual orientation.
Our safeguarding and child protection policy can be viewed here | Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
If anyone has a concern about the safety or welfare of a pupil, they have a duty to report this concern. At Queen Margaret's, concerns should be reported to one of the Safeguarding Leads who are:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy DSLs
- Tania Davidson - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Director of BoardingTel: 01904 727614 Mob: 07889 592414 Email: dsl@queenmargarets.comClaire Sheard - Deputy DSL, Senior Deputy HeadTel:01904 727613 Mob:07889 592414 Email:
Safeguarding Governor
- Sue KingSafeguarding Governor. Tel: 0113 204 5708
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board
Operation Encompass
Queen Margaret's is part of Operation Encompass - a partnership between police and schools. Through Operation Encompass, a key adult (the school's DSL) will be notified prior to the start of the next school day that the police have attended an incident of domestic abuse. This timely information sharing enables appropriate support to be provided for that child so that all interactions, from when the child first arrives at the school gates, are of a positive nature.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
CEOP is dedicated to keeping children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. If you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating online, you can make a report directly to CEOP. CEOP has a range of information about keeping yourself or a child you know safer from online child sexual abuse.