Spotlight On - Rachel Hildreth, Director of Sport
Rachel Hildreth
Published 8th September 2023

Welcome Rachel Hildreth
We are delighted to welcome Rachel Hildreth to Queen Margaret’s as our new Director of Sport. Rachel is a well-known county cricketer who worked for the Yorkshire Cricket Board in promoting girls and womens' cricket across the region through the training of teachers and children.

What are your main roles at QM?
My main roles at QM are to oversee the running of the Sports department on a day-to-day basis which includes games lessons, academic GCSE and A Level PE, organising and running fixtures and Enrichment sport and fitness activities.
- To give all girls every opportunity to enjoy being active, taking part in sport and physical activity.
- To develop and support the growth and development of the sports offering at QM.
- To create a fun and inclusive environment for everyone to achieve their potential.
- I am also teaching the YIV and V GCSE PE
What do you like about working at QM?
I love the sense of community and how friendly everyone is. I think the fact you really get to know each girl and the staff closely is something incredibly special.
From the moment I walked through reception five months ago I felt a sense of safety and a wholesome atmosphere.
Where did you come from before QM?
Before joining QM I worked for Yorkshire Cricket. Over the 10 years there I was a Community Cricket Officer where I taught cricket and delivered teacher CPD and large-scale school competitions for primary and secondary schools.
Following this I was an NCS coordinator, taking young people on adventurous residential trips to the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales. I also supported them in raising awareness and money for charities and causes they were passionate about, making a difference to local communities!
Most recently I spent some time as a Cricket Development Manager covering North and East Yorkshire. So this is a new venture and my first role full-time in a school! I have also enjoyed working and coaching different sports abroad in Australia, America, Switzerland and The Netherlands.
What are you most proud of?
That’s a tough one... either when I travelled to Australia on my own when I was 18 straight from college to play and coach cricket, or when I completed the National Three Peaks challenge last year in tough conditions, but also being appointed as the new Director of Sport here at QM.
How do you relax when you are not at QM?
I love to go running or hiking in the countryside with my Fox Red Labrador - Ruby! I also love to explore new countries, try new food, and spend time playing hockey or tennis with friends and family. I have a real passion for watching live sports including cricket, football, and rugby!
Who would you most like to sit down and have a cup of tea/coffee with?
Sarina Wagner (England's Women’s Coach!) has helped to inspire so many girls and young children to love football and be active!
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t worry about what other people think, be yourself! Take every opportunity you get! Be curious and brave!
What’s your favourite biscuit?
Chocolate Hobnob with a Yorkshire Tea!