Summer Fête 2024
Fundraising Fête
Published 13th September 2024

Last weekend, the school was treated to a wonderful Summer Fête, courtesy of Head Girl Harriet and her team of helpers. Harriet told us more:
“Sunday marked the first Queen Margaret’s Schools Summer Fête. Aided by a team of volunteers it was a great success. Despite the weather turning for the worse, a 07:30 start meant the team had time to pull everything together, and in true QM spirit, the rain was not going to stop us. There was a huge variety of stalls run by students allowing them to interact with the public and express their passions. It was lovely to see so many students, families and staff as well as the Escrick community joining us.
There are so many students to thank, but a special shout-out must go to Megan (V) for her amazing baking. Rhiannon (V), Hannah (LVI) and Lilly Rose (LVI) for not only their help with setting up but also their fantastic opening songs. Also, all the students who helped run a stall, set up the event and clear up after.
I am so proud to be able to announce we have raised £1752.01 for Charitas - This money will go towards helping young girls in South Africa by providing them with essentials which they do not readily have access to. Keep an eye out for further information regarding this. The partnership with this charity was started on the South Africa Tour 2023 and we hope this connection will continue to grow.
I would also like to say a huge personal thank you to Miss Bale, who worked tirelessly on this event with me. She helped me bring my vision to life and showed me all the steps which must be taken to organise such a big event like this and how to make it a success. If it wasn't for her none of it would have been possible!
Thanks to Ninan and Jess (UVI) for their photos.