Tips for A Level Results Day 2024
A Level Results Day
Published Tuesday 13th August 2024

2024 A Level results day is just around the corner. Whether you're confident or feeling a little anxious, being prepared is key. QM's Senior Tutor for Sixth Form, Claire Nadin, offers her advice about how to get ready for the big day.
Prior to results day:
- Be prepared. Have your documents ready - your UCAS number and your original UCAS application. These have your personal details, results to date, and your personal statement in case you need it. Have your phone charged, phone numbers ready for your firm choice and your insurance choices in case you need them.
- Know how to access your results. Review the 'Results and Post-Results Guidance Booklet' that was sent to you before the end of term. This has everything you need to know about accessing your results via the Student Portal and what you might need to do afterwards.
- Have a 'Plan B'. You could start to list alternative degrees and university choices. Get their phone numbers: just in case things do not turn out as planned or you have changed your mind.
- Keep yourself busy. It's only natural to be a little nervous; read a book, take a walk or see friends to keep yourself busy. Try to get enough sleep.
Results day and beyond:
- Results can be accessed through the Student Portal at 08:00.
- Look at your application status on the UCAS hub (usually updated around 08:15 but be patient, it can take longer) - it may say ‘Congratulations you’ve been placed at your firm choice’ or ‘Congratulations you’ve been placed at your insurance choice’.
- Check your emails early, sometimes the universities will email you directly with news.
- If you do not have the grades, do not panic. Remember, there may be times when the university still offers you a place even with lower grades.
- If you do not get your firm choice, sometimes the university can offer you a place on an alternative course. You do not need to accept this - but have a look, it may be a good alternative. You can decline this and accept your insurance instead. If you have not heard from your insurance choice, wait until you do to weigh up the alternatives.
- If you are rejected by your firm and insurance choice, you will be given a clearing number - keep it at hand.
- You can use clearing even if you have made the grades and had second thoughts on the course you want to do.
- Remember you are in control. If you do change your mind or have to go through clearing, you must inform student finance of the change - the new location could alter the amount you are entitled to. You may also need to apply for new accommodation - many universities do reserve some accommodation for clearing students so do not panic.
- Have something nice planned. Plan a treat for after you've got your results; seeing friends, watching your favourite show, taking a walk or another nice trip out are all good ideas. You've worked through months of revision and exams and the wait is finally over - look after yourself!
If you need help; seek support and chat through your thoughts before making decisions - QM staff will be available on results day (01904 727600) for support as needed. Family and friends can also be of help and give advice.