Scholarships at Queen Margaret's
Girls can apply to earn a Scholarship at Queen Margaret's. The Queen Margaret's Scholarship programme is designed to identify strengths, nurture commitment and resilience, provide excitement and challenge, and celebrate success.
We offer Academic, Art, Choral, Dance, Drama, Music and Sport Scholarships, and more information about the benefits of being a Scholar at QM and our expectations of Scholars can be found in the Scholarship Brochure here.
Scholarship Day, when applicants are auditioned for the available Scholarships, is usually held alongside Assessment Day, find out more about our Admissions process here.
You can register your interest for a Scholarship by contacting us at
The types of Scholarships we offer are:
- Academic Scholarships
- Art Scholarships
- Choral Scholarships
- Dance Scholarships
- Drama Scholarships
- Music Scholarships
- Sport Scholarships
The benefits of earning a Scholarship at Queen Margaret's are:
- Specialist mentoring to set targets, monitor progress and evaluate performance
- Specific tuition in the chosen discipline, given by highly dedicated and qualified staff
- Scholarships may carry a discretionary fee remission of up to 10%.
Find out more about earning a scholarship at Queen Margaret’s in our brochure:
Assistance and Fee Remissions at Queen Margaret's
Our aim is to encourage applications from applicants with as diverse a range of backgrounds as possible. We are committed to widening access by enabling girls, who would not otherwise be able, to join the School, and to allow students to remain in the event of an unforeseen change in a family’s financial circumstances. This can take the form of either assisted (partial remission) or transformational (significant or full remission) bursaries. We do not, however, offer bursaries or fee remissions to international students.
We welcome applications for bursaries from any family based in the UK who might, under ordinary circumstances, not consider Queen Margaret’s for their daughter for financial reasons. However, bursary funds are limited and applications are, therefore, reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Further information about means-tested bursaries is available from the Admissions Team: All applications are treated in the strictest of confidence.
The school where self-belief thrives
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