Welcoming international girls to Queen Margaret's
How to Apply
We accept applications for international students into all year groups, from a minimum of one term up to seven years. Places are offered on a rolling basis up to twelve months in advance, and we recommend early application to avoid disappointment.

All applicants must register to be considered for a place; you can download our Registration Form below. This must be returned to the Admissions Team admissions@queenmargarets.com with the following:
- A colour copy of the applicant’s passport
- A colour copy of the applicant’s birth certificate (both the original and an English translation, if applicable)
- A recent school report (no older than one year)
- A non-refundable Registration Fee of £175
We encourage you to visit the school to enjoy a tour with our students and a meeting with the Head; the best way to get a taste of what life is like here at QM is to meet the students, see the incredible facilities and to feel what it is like to be part of our community. If it is not possible for you to visit in person then we will gladly arrange online meetings with the Head and any other key members of staff at a time to suit you. Please contact the Admissions Team for more information at admissions@queenmargarets.com or 01904 727 630.
Assessment and Interview
QM is a non-selective school, however we require all international students to sit the following assessments as part of the admissions process:
YEARS 7 - 9 (11+) | • EAL Grammar Test (20 minutes) • EAL Writing Task (30 minutes) • Mathematics Test (Non-Calculator) (40 minutes) |
YEAR 10 (14+) | • EAL Grammar Test (25 minutes) • EAL Writing Task (40 minutes) • EAL Reading Comprehension (30 minutes) • Mathematics Test (Calculator) (60 minutes) |
YEAR 11 (14+) | • EAL Grammar Test (25 minutes) • EAL Writing Task (40 minutes) • EAL Reading Comprehension (30 minutes) • Mathematics Test (Calculator) (120 minutes*) + |
YEARS 12 - 13 (16+) | • EAL Grammar Test (25 minutes) • EAL Writing Task (60 minutes) • EAL Reading Comprehension (30 minutes) • Mathematics Test (Calculator) (120 minutes*) |
Each applicant will also attend an interview, either online or in person, with a member of the senior leadership team. * Students who are applying for a short-stay in Year 11, or who are not choosing a STEM subject at A Level in Years 12-13, may be permitted to take a 60 minute Mathematics Test on request. + Students enrolling on the assessed One-Year GCSE Programme in Year 11 will also sit a 90-minute Combined Science paper, as well as being assessed for their aptitude in the additional subjects they intend to be examined in. |
These tests must be set under examination conditions and be invigilated by a non-family member, such as a Teacher, Officer or Administrator. We do not accept UKiset reports in place of these tests.
The final part of the assessment process will be a video interview with the Head or a member of our Senior Leadership Team, which will be approximately 30 minutes long. No specific preparation for the entrance assessments is needed; all candidates start on an equal footing, with identical opportunities to display their potential.
Offer of a Place
Following the assessments and interview, we aim to make a decision on your application within two weeks. Our busiest time is between October and January, so you may experience a slight delay at this time.
Your offer letter will be accompanied by an Acceptance Form and a copy of our Terms and Conditions; to accept the offer, all parties with parental responsibility for the applicant must sign and return the completed form with the deposit to the Admissions Team before the date specified in the offer letter.
For more information on the assessment process and the selection criteria, including for Sixth Form, please read our Admissions Policy.
Prior to joining the School all international pupils must meet all necessary UK visa requirements and are required to have an Education Guardian in the UK. Please ensure you have read the Educational Guardianship Policy before selecting a guardian.
The school where self-belief thrives
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