Guiding and advising on the management of the School
Meet the Governors
Queen Margaret’s School, York Ltd is the legal entity that owns the land, buildings and other assets of the School and by which staff are employed and the girls’ education carried on. That company is limited by guarantee and is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

The Governors are responsible for the management of the company Queen Margaret's School, York Limited. The Governors are, therefore, responsible and liable for the governance and functioning of the School. The Governors are accountable in varying degrees to a variety of stakeholders including girls, parents and staff, the Charity Commission, and Companies House. The most important functions of the Governors are:
- To ensure the School complies with legislative and regulatory requirements, and acts within the powers contained in the Memorandum and Articles of Association that govern it.
- To know and approve the School’s aims, and approve its academic principles and regulatory policies.
- To ensure it receives regular reports, both spoken and written, on the work of the School: academic, sporting, artistic, social and moral, and be fully apprised of the results achieved.
- To ensure the School is well managed and led.
- To appoint and fix the remuneration for certain key staff. To understand the boundary that must exist between governors and their primary strategic role, and that of the Senior Leadership Team, lead by the Head, which has day-to-day responsibility for the operation and management of the School.
- To have in place appropriate measures and reporting mechanisms to control the School’s financial operations and ensure charitable assets are safeguarded.
- To elect its members and a Chairman. The Governors will ensure that there is an appropriate range of expertise in their midst and maintain a regular pattern of both continuity and changes amongst their leadership.
The Governors meet as a full board once a term and all members of the Board also serve on one of four Committees; those Committees also meet once a term and report to the full Board. The four committees are the Education Committee, the Pastoral Committee, the Business Committee and the External Relations Committee. Each Committee has an appointed Chairman and a defined remit (which is kept under review).
Governors may be contacted via the School. Initial contact should be made via the Clerk, Mr D T King,
View the company information for Queen Margaret's School, York Limited.
The Board of Governors
- Terry BurtChairman of the Board of Governors (Business Committee)
- Sarah BarkerGovernor (Education Committee)Nick BlytheGovernor (External Relations Committee)
- Douglas CochranGovernor (Pastoral Committee)Chloe FairleyGovernor (Education Committee)Annabel ForbesGovernor (Pastoral Committee)
- Emma HenneyGovernor (Education Committee)Sue KingSafeguarding Governor. Tel: 0113 204 5708Lucy (Fang) ShiGovernor (External Relations Committee))
Mrs Vicky Szulist (School Auditor)
Crowe Clark Whitehill LLPThe school where self-belief thrives
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