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Providing a holistic education underpinned by warm-hearted pastoral care

Our Values

As one of the leading independent all girls schools in Yorkshire we provide a holistic education, underpinned by warm-hearted pastoral care.

Queen Margaret's School - Our Values

As a forward-thinking independent school, we will empower your daughter to develop and flourish in her academic learnings whilst making the most of all the co-curricular enrichment opportunities available.

Aims of the School

QM girls take advantage of the School’s vibrant and complementary programme of studies and activities. In doing so, they will:

  • Achieve excellence inside and outside the classroom
  • Develop an enthusiasm for independent thought, learning and research
  • Grow with emotional maturity, social awareness and respect for individuality and difference
  • Forge special friendships that will stay with them for the rest of their lives
  • Be interesting, well-informed, happy and confident members of the community.

You can learn more about our curriculum here.

Values of the School

  • Commitment and Excellence
  • Honesty and Openness
  • Bravery and Resilience
  • Kindness, Respect and Tolerance
  • Friendship, Fairness and Fun.

For more information you can get in touch with us here, or why not book a visit and receive a tour of our fantastic school?

Pupils demonstrate that they share the school’s values of respect, responsibility and care and compassion in their attitudes to one another in lessons, in the boarding houses and around school.

ISI Inspection Report (2024)

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