Sixth Form Dress Code
Dress Code

One of the freedoms of Sixth Form is that students are not required to wear a uniform.
However, they must take pride in their appearance and are expected to dress in a manner that is smart/casual, comfortable yet purposeful, and suitable for a school working day.
"Sixth Formers are regarded as role models for students lower down the school and their appearance should reflect this."
Click below to read the most recent dress code:
The dress code includes guidance on:
- Footwear
- Jeans
- Legwear
- Skirts/dresses
- Clothing for attendance at Chapel
- Make-up
- Piercings
- Sportswear
- Loungewear
- Smarter wear is required during public-facing events such as Open Days, services, confirmations, tours etc
Sixth Formers are not required to wear a uniform but they must take pride in their appearance. They are expected to dress in a manner that is
suitable for a school working day.