Weekend Activities - 10th/12th December 2021
Weekend Activities at QM
Published 17th December 2021

It was St Aidan's Community Weekend last weekend, and the activities left everyone feeling incredible festive!
Community Weekends encourage the older girls to take charge and lead on design, planning and delivery, with support from the QM Pastoral Team. Once ideas have been formulated, the girls discuss plans with the Pastoral Team to enable ideas to be fine-tuned, determine what is feasible and provide help with risk assessments and bookings.
Learn more about Community Weekends here.
Red House weekend activities
Here's a review from Red House, written by Sophie (Year II) and Greta (Year I)...
"Our weekends in Red house are always fun-filled and exciting, but I have to confess that the last few days have been some of my personal favorites.
After a busy afternoon of lacrosse, we all came back to House to take a well-deserved chill, and relax after a long week. The evening was really laid back, and gave us all the rest we had been waiting for. We made gingerbread houses (though some of them failed… and became gingerbread piles) and had the option to either watch Strictly in the lounge or do fun Christmas crafts such as Christmas crackers and cards. Then we had a slumber party in the lounge and talked ‘til ten!!
When we woke up in the morning, we had a bit of time to doze before the amazing Christmas breakfast. There was a lot of delicious food such as pigs in blankets, sausage rolls, pastries and Christmassy-shaped toast. There was also lots of sweet food like waffles and pancakes.
After that we put on our wellies and went for a hike to temple, singing carols all the way.
We came across a lot of early morning horse riders (though really it wasn’t that early I suppose...) and took selfies when we got there. When we returned, we got ready for a trip to the York Designer Outlet to ice skate - though we had lunch first - a delicious roast.
Afterwards we boarded the coach ready for our trip and we were gone!
The people running our session gave us all wristbands for free hot chocolate and toppings (yum) and a token for a go on any Winter Wonderland ride we wished!! Ice skating was excellent and though lots of us fell over, it was well worth the soggy trousers. Inside the outlet, the shops were all on Christmas sales, and it proved a brilliantly successful trip.
We all settled down to watch the Strictly results show in the lounge with Red House toast, and before we knew it, the school week was beginning again."
Winnie's House
Winnie's House spend the weekend with Christmas evenings drinking hot chocolate, decorating the house, watching movies, and making Christmas decorations.
Our Sixth Form girls enjoyed spending time together with a Christmas quiz.
Atholl House
Atholl House joined the festivities with their own Christmas decoration making!