For a good cause
QM Girls' Charity Work
The charitable spirit of the QM girls is as strong as ever. Find out which charities have benefitted this year and about the innovative ways the girls raised money for them.
The charitable spirit of the QM girls has remained as strong as ever over recent months, especially as they've seen many people suffer throughout the pandemic. In the words of Christabel, our Deputy Head Girl (Charities), "It is now more important than ever that we go the extra mile to help people less fortunate than ourselves." This year the girls chose to support a charity based in York, Kyra Women's Project, which helps local women to make positive changes in their lives. This is done through many different ways such as courses, events and therapies.
Whilst it has been difficult to raise money through the usual methods of School events and social gatherings this year, the girls have come up with innovative ways of raising funds. This included everything from bulk buying Easter eggs and selling them to students and staff to take home for their families; to introducing a competition to design the front of the School’s Christmas card which was then sold in multipacks. During Environment Week, the Charity Council and the Environment Council teamed up to host a Covid-safe clothes swap. Not only did profits made go to Kyra, but it also encouraged the girls to think about their clothing consumption and usage.
Through various activities the girls raised an impressive £1,873.03 for Kyra Women's Project and in the last week of term, Anna Perrett, Kyra’s Project Manager, came to thank them for choosing Kyra as the School’s charity and to tell them how the money will make such a difference.
The School also decided to support Comic Relief, a charity that helps people who live in poverty here in the UK and around the world. This was done through a weekend full of sporting activities for Red Nose Day. Earlier in the year £670 was raised for another local charity, York Mind, when girls ran, cycled, skipped and even paddle-boarded their way through the 5K Any Way challenge.
Meanwhile, two groups of LVI girls supported the Prince’s Trust through the internally run business enterprise project, Queen Margaret’s Princes Trust (QMPT). The Prince’s Trust is there to help vulnerable young people to get their life on track and create a better future for themselves, through opportunities for employment, education and enterprise. One team, QMPT Emerald, ran their business during the Autumn Term and the other, QMPT Pixie, during the Spring Term. Both teams had to come up with and research their ideas, contact suppliers, negotiate prices, market and sell their products to their fellow students, as well as deliver the items, all whilst in lockdown and being subject to Covid restrictions. QMPT Emerald had a product offering of sweet bags and customisable T-shirts and hoodies, and they made a fantastic £3,335 profit. QMPT Pixie ran a second-hand clothing raffle, sold Easter goody bags and offered customisable tracksuit bottoms, and raised an equally brilliant £2,232 for the Prince's Trust.
Through a difficult and unusual academic year, the girls have managed to raise an admirable amount of money for various charities, the money raised will be life changing for many different people, near and far. Thank you, QM girls!
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