Exploring sustainable living at QM
Environment Week
In a week of glorious sunshine and hefty downpours, the QM girls celebrated Environment Week. A range of activities and drop in sessions were put on throughout the week to help the girls explore sustainable living.

Environment Week started with the scavenger hunt competition with a list of things to find, varying from a set of animal’s prints to a natural illusion!
On Monday, QM joined the international campaign of Meat Free Monday. The Catering Team provided a delicious lentil Bolognese, Yorkshire pea and asparagus risotto alongside a range of meat free paninis. The Catering Team have further been doing their part; opening a crisp recycling station and encouraging people to think about the amount of packaging they use in order to try and minimise waste. This will be measured from the week before to see if there has been impact on the waste collected.
Mrs Stewart managed several 'Make Do and Mend' drop in sessions where students and staff could bring in items of clothing that need mending. This highlighted the importance of upcycling clothing and fixing things instead of throwing them out.
Miss Harrison and Mrs Stewart have been leading the tree planting sessions, with different sessions throughout the week so that the girls can remain in their bubbles. With the girls in Red House starting on Monday and Sixth Form girls finishing on Thursday. A range of trees have been planted, from crab apple to hazel, with each girl naming their own tree. Tree planting and the gardening club has been taking place in a previously unused grass area which has been transformed, it is nestled between Red House and the Riding School arena. Staff and students alike are encouraged to have a wander down and look at what is happening there. From planting lettuces to potatoes, there is plenty of chance to get involved. The rainfall on Monday afternoon left the gardeners in Years I and II racing inside the Art and Technology Centre to escape the rain!
On Wednesday and Thursday a Clothes Swap took place in the chapel. All proceeds will go to Kyra, the School’s chosen charity, which is based in York and gives support and information to women.
On Friday the girls will wear their own clothes with a theme of 'second-hand style'. This could involve anything from raiding their parent’s wardrobe for vintage garments to their own hand-me-downs! After the School day on Friday, within house activities, there will be a second hand scarecrow competition. The scarecrows will be dressed in second hand clothing and the winner will take pride of place outside in the Gardening Club garden.
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