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Girls Schools Are More Relevant Than Ever in 2024

Nicola Dudley All-Girls Education

Published 10th October 2024

In this insightful blog post, Nicola Dudley, Head of Queen Margaret’s School for Girls in York, explores the transformative benefits of an all-girls education. Drawing from her own experiences and those of the school community, she highlights how Queen Margaret’s provides a supportive, focused environment where girls build confidence, embrace leadership opportunities, and achieve academic excellence.

Nicola Dudley also discusses the enduring relevance of all-girls schools in today’s world, and how they prepare students for success in a mixed society. Whether you're considering an all-girls school for your daughter or simply curious about its advantages, this article offers valuable perspectives from an expert in the field.

Girls walking at Queen Margaret's School for Girls, York (UK)

What do you see as the benefit of all-girls schools?

"The way in which girls flourish here is unbelievable." These were the recent words of a colleague when reflecting on her current experience and earlier career in a coeducational school. Similarly, a recent conversation with parents at the end of their daughter’s first week at QM highlighted the transformation they had noticed in her after just a short period. After a difficult decision to move her from a school where they felt she was getting lost in the crowd and lacking in confidence, they had already seen her return to her relaxed, happy self in just a week.

Every day, we witness the positive impact of our all-girls environment on students who visibly grow in confidence. An all-girls environment enables them to be themselves and develop confidence, free from perceived barriers. In such a setting, all opportunities are available to the girls—they readily step into leadership roles and engage in all subjects, sports, and extracurricular activities on offer. For example, recent auditions for our whole school drama production saw over a quarter of the school audition for acting roles, with another 20 girls signing up for backstage work as part of the stage crew.

This openness to opportunity and confidence in embracing challenges becomes ingrained, staying with students throughout their lives. Girls seeking academic achievement will find the focused work environment they need, free from distractions. Those looking for a more holistic experience will discover a space to make the most of wide-ranging opportunities. Girls needing additional academic, social, or emotional support will find a highly nurturing environment.

From unhindered opportunities for academic excellence and leadership to personal growth, all-girls schools provide a nurturing, focused, and empowering environment. There is no doubt that these schools meet the varied needs of girls seeking to achieve their best. We see girls growing into kind, independent, and purposeful young women—something every parent wishes for their daughter.

Girls’ schools were founded in the UK to counter the more limited opportunities for girls in education at the time. How are they still relevant today?

I believe the benefits of all-girls schools remain as strong today as in the past, though these advantages have evolved over time. Today’s teenagers face increasing pressures, particularly from the pervasive influence of social media. All-girls schools offer a protective, nurturing space during these critical formative years, helping shape beliefs and habits that will last a lifetime. Our schools ensure girls follow their passions without barriers, free from any preconceptions or the need to worry about how the opposite sex might react.

In the classroom, girls feel comfortable voicing their opinions and asking questions. As I often say, in our small teaching groups, there is no hiding—every student receives individual attention.

While this may sound like a generalisation, research shows that females can sometimes hesitate to step forward when opportunities arise early in their careers. In all-girls schools, we accelerate the process of girls stepping up. Surrounded by female role models, girls in our environment are constantly inspired. It's heartwarming to hear the admiration of our new Year 1 students for the Sixth Form prefects leading activities across the school. From day one, they are inspired to aspire to similar positions of responsibility as they progress through their school journey.

At all-girls schools, we naturally seek out inspirational female guest speakers, and our alumnae, who have pursued rich and varied career paths, are a constant source of motivation.

How do girls’ schools prepare girls for a mixed world?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is a question I’m often asked during admissions interviews with parents. I must point out that I’ve never encountered anyone who spent their school years in an all-girls environment suggesting that their education had a negative impact when they transitioned into the wider, mixed world. Quite the opposite. Every person I’ve spoken to who has been through an all-girls school—without exception—has emphatically expressed the positive impact it had on them. They highlight how it allowed them to be themselves, flourish, be treated as individuals, achieve their best, and develop strong friendships, all in a focused, calm, and caring environment.

Personally, as someone who attended all-girls schools throughout my education, I’ve reflected more and more on the lasting impact of that environment as I’ve grown older. In challenging situations that could otherwise be intimidating or overwhelming, I’ve found that the inner confidence instilled in me during my school years—without any sense of barriers—has equipped me with the self-assurance to embrace opportunities throughout my life.

What would you say to convince parents to consider an all-girls school?

My advice is simple: come and visit. Experience the school for yourself. I’ve met many parents who hadn’t considered an all-girls school until they decided to visit and had their eyes opened after meeting our students.

Our students are the best ambassadors for the value of an all-girls education. I encourage parents to visit, meet the girls, and witness our ethos in action. They’ll find articulate, well-grounded, and appropriately confident girls who are flourishing. Our students make the most of a broad range of extracurricular opportunities and enjoy a wide choice of subjects, from STEM and humanities to arts and sports.

For many, simply experiencing the special atmosphere of an all-girls school is enough to convince them to seriously consider it as a pathway to inspire, challenge, and support their daughters.

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