Classic Civilisation, Latin and Greek
Classics encompasses a real wealth of human endeavour and experience. The books and works of art we explore are among the greatest ever produced. In the words of Thucydides the Athenian historian, they truly are ‘a possession for all time’.
The Classics Curriculum
Classical Civilisation (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5This subject covers a wide range of interesting topics. As you study them you will acquire and develop the writing skills which you will find useful at university. You will also have the chance to express and explore your views in lively classroom debates.
You will study for three examination papers including 'The World of the Hero'; 'Greek Theatre' and 'Greek Religion'. Anyone can enjoy this subject - you do not need to have studied Classical Civilisation at any level before. This course will appeal to you if you enjoy discussing the big subjects of life: love, hate, and death.
Classical Civilisation (GCSE)
Years IV - V (14-16 years), Key Stage 4Classical Civilization explores the dark and treacherous world of Roman politics. At GCSE we focus on myths and religion, discussing how the gods influenced the Greeks and Romans in their everyday life.
You will have the chance to look at various aspects of Greek andRoman life, to understand the people by reading the stories andplays they enjoyed, and compare their ideas to our own. You willstudy a variety of topics, including ancient religion and the gods,the story of Odysseus’s amazing adventures, and the different ways in which you can find out about the past.
Classical Greek (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5Classical Greek is a fascinating subject in its own right. It is an interesting language to study and the literature of the ancient Greeks is among the finest in the world. Greek is highly respected by many universities; very few students have the chance to study this subject so it makes a very distinctive addition to a CV.
Most candidates have studied Greek successfully at GCSE. However this is not absolutely necessary if you have studied Latin.
Classical Greek (GCSE)
Years IV - V (14-16 years), Key Stage 4If you have a passionate interest in the ancient world or an enthusiastic love of language, Classical Greek may be the perfect course for you.
Greek offers a unique introduction to the origins of modern European culture. The course gives you the opportunity to learn the Ancient Greek language and discover the civilisation and culture of the Greeks. The pace is fast, groups are small, and you will soon find that you have built up a good working knowledge of Greek.
Latin (A Level)
Sixth Form (Years LVI-UVI), Key Stage 5Latin enriches any combination of A Level subjects, and is respected by universities. You learn more about the magnificent literature of the Romans and about how languages really work. As you develop your translation skills, you will also improve your own powers of analysis and expression.
You do not need to have studied this subject before, but you should certainly have a passion for the visual arts. Art History is a Humanities subject and as such is most similar to English or History. The subject requires a significant amount of reading and teaches the skills of critical analysis and essay writing.
Latin (GCSE)
Years IV - V (14-16 years), Key Stage 4Learning Latin will give you a greater precision of thought and clarity of communication. It is also prized as both a foundation for understanding languages and literature and as an intellectual discipline in its own right.
Providing a wonderful insight into the world of languages and literature, this course gives you the opportunity to find out more about the Latin language and about the civilisation and culture of the Romans. You will revise and consolidate the grammar you have covered so far, and build upon this to achieve a good working knowledge of Latin.
Latin (Key Stage 3)
Years I - III (11-14 years), Key Stage 3All girls start Latin in Year I, and the Cambridge Latin Course introduces them to the fascinating world of the Romans and their language. At GCSE and A level we read an exciting range of extracts from Roman literature. We explore the cut-and-thrust of political speeches and follow the adventures of the Trojan leader Aeneas, as he struggles to establish a new home for his people.
In Year III we introduce Classical Civilization, exploring the dark and treacherous world of Roman politics.
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