In addition to sports fixtures, rehearsals and Sunday Chapel, weekends can include anything from high energy trips to the trampoline park, climbing wall and go karting, to more relaxed visits to museums and stately homes, the cinema and shopping. Weekends are further complemented by in-School activities like pizza nights, pamper evenings, craft making and fashion shows.
Sixth Formers can also enjoy the Cardio Suite and Cellars, the on site social hub. By day it is a place to sit, chat, read and drink a coffee and at night the flat screens and surround sound transform the venue into a place for gatherings and impromptu gigs.
Stay in School for Leave Out (Exeats)
Boarders are able to stay in School throughout the term, with the exception of half term holidays, with our option to ‘Stay in School for Leave Out (Exeat) weekends.
Stay in School for Leave Out (Exeats)Community Weekends
Our girl-led Community Weekends are a highlight in the School calendar. Organised by our vertical Houses or other bodies of students, such as the International Council, Community Weekends are packed full of exhilarating activities and experiences, making for a thriving boarding community for all to enjoy.
Community WeekendsVisit Queen Margaret's
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