One of the great joys of joining Queen Margaret's is becoming part of the QM Family. The School has a richly deserved reputation for the wonderfully strong bonds of its community. The friendships forged are often lifelong and the support network lasts well into life beyond school days.
Parents of girls at QM are welcomed into the strong and supportive community of the School. At QM we believe that the education and nurturing of each girl is a partnership between the School and the parents. To this end we communicate and keep parents informed in a variety of ways. There are regular updates from each girl’s academic Tutor and the Housemistresses keep in close contact. The teaching staff provide regular reports and there is a parents meeting once a year. Regular news updates are available in the Weekly Windows via the Parent Portal which give lively insights into the day to day life of the School. Parents receive invitations to Music Recitals, Drama and Dance Performances, Lectures and Sporting Fixtures.
Old Margaretians
Old Margaretians are part of a global network that connects former pupils of QM. The School doors are always open to OMs wanting to visit the School and renew their memories and friendships.
The Old MargaretiansFacility Hire
From residential courses to anniversary dinners, conferences to Dance shows and recitals to swim schools, the School offers a wide choice of venues from state-of-the-art to stately elegance – each providing inspiration to deliver the perfect event.
Facility HireFacility Hire
From residential courses to anniversary dinners, conferences to Dance shows and recitals to swim schools, the School offers a wide choice of venues from state-of-the-art to stately elegance – each providing inspiration to deliver the perfect event.
Facility HireDonations
Philanthropy continues to make an impact on life at QM, and we are incredibly grateful for what generous donations have enabled us to achieve.
From the outstanding theatre, dance studio, and Chapel housed in the Centenary Building, to the brand-new 2022 Room for Sixth Formers, we have been able to create stunning new facilities at QM for the benefit of our students.
Learn more about the QM Foundation, supporting present and future generations of pupils through means-tested bursaries and educational programmes.
Learn more about the Annual Fund and Leavers Bursary Fund, supporting activities within the school and helping to develop new facilities.
Make a Donation
A Valuable Contribution