The week in sport
Sports Review
Published Friday 10th March 2023

Saturday 4th March
NETBALL: U13 Netball Y&D
Score: 3rd in their group - won 2, lost 2
On Saturday 4th March, we played in the Y&D netball tournament at Joseph Rowntree School, with matches against four different schools.
We started with a close match against Huntington, with them taking the lead 5-6 in the last few seconds of the game. Then we played Fulford and had a big lead from the beginning. The end result was a win of 12-2.
We then played against All Saints; we were losing at first but managed to bring it back with a win of 9-6. Unfortunately, the last match against St. Peter's didn’t go as well as our other matches as the final score was 13-4 to St. Peter's.
We came third in our group which we were all very pleased with.

LACROSSE: U14 & U12 Lacrosse North School's Tournament
It was an early start to the day for the U14s and U12s travelling to Moreton Hall for the North School's Tournament.
Both teams had some tough groups with more experienced teams, but the U12s beat local rivals Harrogate Ladies College 5-2, and the U14s had a closely-fought game against Harrogate Ladies College with a draw at the end.
For most U12s, it was their first Lacrosse match of the year and they had a great day with some excellent Lacrosse on display from both age groups. The U14s showed a huge improvement in their skills and teamwork, they were able to score lots of goals.

Tuesday 7th March
HOCKEY: U12 Y&D tournament
Score: 5-0W vs Joseph Rowntree, 1-1 vs Fulford School
Player of the Match: Heidi (I), Louise (I), Annabel (I) x2
The U12s had a triangular on Tuesday vs Joseph Rowntree and Fulford School. The girls started really strong against JoRo with Louise scoring within the first few seconds of the game. This momentum continued throughout the first half, allowing Louise to get another quick goal, Maddie to score two, and India to also sneak one past the goalie. This was a great start for the team who hadn't played much hockey together since before Christmas.
The girls had a tougher match against Fulford who had a fantastic keeper. They worked hard to try and pass the ball around, but Fulford was too quick. Louise again managed to score from a well-won short corner, but Fulford managed to pull it back to a 1-1 score. Unfortunately, this is how the game ended, but well done to all of the team - very well played.
Tuesday 7th March
NETBALL: U14 A Netball v Bootham
Score: 17-10 loss
Player of the Match: Izzy (III)
The U14A squad played well today against Bootham. They kept calm and worked hard throughout, despite an injury mid-way through and some changes in positions.
We managed to bring it back to a close finish within the fourth quarter but unfortunately, Bootham ultimately went away with the win.
Well done to Izzy who played several different positions and worked incredibly hard throughout, managing to get Player of the Match! A fantastic squad that put in a solid performance they should be proud of.
Tuesday 7th March
NETBALL: U14B Netball v Bootham
Score: 35-11 loss
Player of the Match: Annabelle (III)
Most improved: Abigail (III)
There was some excellent netball on display against Bootham with the U14B team showing a huge improvement from last week's match, along with determination whilst playing against some tough opposition. There we some close quarters, with the final quarter of the game extremely so. Well done to Annabelle who was scoring plenty of goals from all over the circle. A great, positive team performance.
Tuesday 7th March
NETBALL: Mavericks A v Haxby 4
Score: 35-11 loss
Player of the Match: Bonnie
True to form, Mavericks A started well and went ahead comfortably. An injury to a Haxby player in the last minutes of the first quarter (and with no subs) meant they played with 6 for the rest of the game.
It seemed the As were all a-fluster in the second quarter, making silly errors as they tried to adjust to having a free player. They soon calmed down and worked hard together to score a mighty 57 goals. What a finish to the season!

Wednesday 8th March
NETBALL: 1st Netball v Worksop
Score: 32-25 win
Player of the Match: Jen
An evenly matched encounter with the 1sts displaying some great movement feeds into the circle and interceptions. Going into the last quarter, we were ahead by 9 and felt we needed to keep the momentum going. However, in the first few minutes, we made some silly mistakes which Worksop took advantage of, scoring 5 goals on the trot.
We kept our composure and made sure we scored on our centre passes before winning the game by 6.
Wednesday 8th March
NETBALL: 2nd Netball v Worksop
Score: 19-8
Player of the Match: Alex
Wednesday 8th March
LACROSSE: U14 LAX v York Uni Development Side
This was a fantastic opportunity for our U15s National Schools team to have some extra preparation prior to travelling to Aldershot. It was a great team game with some excellent Lacrosse on display. It was great to see so many different names on the score sheet and the QM girls learned a lot.Wednesday 8th March
NETBALL: Mavericks B v Haxby 6
Score: Loss
Player of the Match: Amanda
With everyone available for the penultimate game, we were able to have a swap around to find the best combinations. There was some good play throughout the court, but we were outplayed by a team who clearly plays together all the time. Game on for next week's final game of the season!
Sports and Physical Education Enrichment
At QM, we have a huge range of enrichment activities for sports and physical education. From lacrosse to hockey, netball, running club, football, swimming, lifeguarding, and much more.
Click below to see the 2022/23 activities you can get involved in.
Upcoming Fixtures
Good luck to the 1st Lacrosse team and the U15/U14 teams heading to National Schools Lacrosse this weekend. The 1st team will play in their two-day tournament on Saturday and Sunday. The U15 tournament will take place on Monday. This National tournament is held at Aldershot Camp.
If you would like to follow the lacrosse then please head to the website where there are links to the app with the live scores.
Monday, 13 March 2023
- 09:00 Lacrosse Fixtures
- Girls-U15A vs National Schools Championships Details
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
- 13:50 Hockey Fixtures
- Girls-U13A vs York & District Hockey Tournament Details
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
- 14:00 Badminton Fixtures
- 19:30 Netball Fixtures
- Girls-Mavericks B vs Stamford Vikings Details
Thursday, 16 March 2023
- 09:00 - 15:00 Queen Margaret's Junior School Netball Tournament Details
Saturday, 18 March 2023
Click here to see the archive of past Sports Reviews.
Your Sporting Stories
If you have any summer sporting success stories we would love to hear them. There is so much talent at QM and we love to celebrate your achievements outside school with the QM Family. Be sure to share your news with the Sports Department or email
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