Well Done Years I and II
Year I & II Exams
Published 29th April 2022

"A huge well done to the girls in Years I and II who have successfully completed their exam week. The girls prepared carefully for their assessments and I am sure they will be justly rewarded when they receive their results shortly." - Mrs Debenham, Senior Tutor Years I, II and III

"I am very proud of the way in which they conducted themselves and I am grateful to parents, teachers, tutors, and house staff for all the support they have provided this week.
The last two challenging years have meant that, for some girls, this was the first set of exams they have ever taken and therefore they deserve even more credit.
I know the post exam sweet treats on offer in house went down very well indeed and were thoroughly deserved."
The girls have been celebrating in the Red House garden this afternoon!
We look forward to seeing the parents of Years I and II next week in the Parents' Conference before Leave Out, both in person and online.
Find out more about Key Stage 3 at Queen Margaret's here.