Whether a student has a Special Educational Need, or simply needs additional support with socialising, emotional wellbeing, revision strategies, or other issues, our PASS Department (Progress, Achievement and Student Support) is always on hand to offer one-to-one guidance and help.
The PASS department is open to all. We support students with diagnosed conditions, as well as those who just need some additional help. We screen girls throughout their life at QM, so we always know when additional support will be beneficial.
We also have an open-door policy for ad-hoc support when students feel they need additional help.
The goal is to allow all students to thrive and be the best version of themselves, whatever their circumstances or challenges.
Watch a short overview by Kathryn Hornby, Head of PASS
Learning Support At Queen Margaret's
A Special Educational Need can take on a variety of forms. Whether a student is experiencing a learning difficulty, medical condition or pastoral need, our PASS department serves to provide students with full support to enable them to flourish at QM.
As soon as contact is made with the school, it is important to advise of any special educational needs a student may have. Everything can then be put in place right from Assessment Day.
There is a process of continual monitoring in place and an ‘open door’ policy. All girls are screened for learning difficulties when they first join QM and then again in Year III (9) and in Lower Sixth Form. This ensures that any emerging difficulties are quickly identified and provisions made.
Our Specialist Assessor
The school is fortunate in having its own Specialist Assessor who sees the examination process through from start to finish for each individual girl, carrying out the appropriate assessments for examination access arrangements, implementing arrangements in the classroom for girls and ensuring the appropriate paperwork is completed and applications made to the examination boards.
What Support Is Available?
All girls on the Special Educational Needs register are offered weekly, personalised lessons, for which there is no charge. These are one to one, tailored to each girl’s individual needs and timetabled to fit with girls’ other commitments, so enabling girls to shine in all areas of the curriculum.
Progress, Achievement and Student Support embraces a ‘can do’ attitude and encourages girls that a special educational need is not a barrier to achievement. From the girl now reading English at Cambridge to the girl who has set up her own underwear business, anything is possible.
The school where self-belief thrives
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