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Year IV Trip

Classics Trip to Cambridge

Published 5th October 2022.

Charlotte (Year IV) writes; "The Year IV Classics students recently travelled to Cambridge. It was a long journey, but worth the drive. First we went to the Cambridge Cast Gallery and it was very interesting to look at all the statues. There were so many statue casts from all over the world! It was great to see some of the statues we will be studying later this year. Then we had an hour for lunch to walk around and explore the beautiful market stalls, and other shops.

After lunch we went to the Fitzwilliam Museum. The Fitzwilliam Museum was very grand! It had massive columns on the outside, it looked exactly like a Greek temple, and inside there was a magnificent entrance hall. In the museum there was lots of pottery and statues. I enjoyed looking round at all the different Greek objects that they had such as coins, vases and jewellery. They also had some very interesting Egyptian tombs and pieces of worn down material.

It was an amazing experience that I would love to do again. Thank you to Mrs Seeney and Miss Whittle for driving us, and thank you Mr Grant and Mrs Badger for taking us around both of the Museums!

Classics Trip to Cambridge
Classics Trip to Cambridge
Classics Trip to Cambridge
Classics Trip to Cambridge
Classics Trip to Cambridge

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