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The week in sport

Sports Review

Published Friday 1st December 2023

Tuesday 28th November 2023

QM Mavericks B v RI Whirlwind

Score: Lost 41-30

POM: Miss Cheng

Report: No surprises that Mavericks B started off slow, going down 11-4 after the first quarter. Despite an evenly matched second quarter, the Bs lost their momentum in the third and RI Whirlwind coasted by to secure the win. Still, a valiant effort by the B team.

Wednesday 29th November 2023

LTA Youth Schools Year 11-13 - QM vs St Peter's & QM vs South Hunsley

Score: QM vs St Peter's (Lost 4-3), QM vs South Hunsley (Lost 4-2)

POM: Florence F

Report: Wednesday morning, we set off to John Charles Centre for Sport in Leeds to complete our Year 11 - 13 LTA Youth Schools tennis North Region box league against St Peter's and South Hunsley after competing against Yarm. It was a luxury to play in an indoor tennis centre when it was icy outside!

Our first match was against St Peter's. With excellent play from Elsa, Florence, Tilly, and Miwa, after all the singles and doubles, the score was 3-3 in matches. A tie-break shootout decided the winner, with Elsa and Tilly representing QM. Unfortunately, despite their earlier focused efforts, they lost in the shootout tiebreak, resulting in a narrow 4-3 match finish.

Next, we faced a strong South Hunsley team and lost 4-2 after singles and doubles. Each player won at least one match they competed in and represented QM admirably. Well done, everyone!

Wednesday 29th November 2023 Fixture: LTA Youth Schools Year 11-13 - QM vs St Peter's & QM vs South Hunsley
Wednesday 29th November 2023 Fixture: LTA Youth Schools Year 11-13 - QM vs St Peter's & QM vs South Hunsley

Wednesday 29th November 2023

QM Mavericks A v RI Breeze

Score: Won 23-22

POM: Maisie B (V)

Report: Braving the freezing cold temperatures, Mavericks A played an outdoor fixture against the aptly named RI Breeze. With both teams and umpires agreeing on shorter quarters, the A team made a good start, winning the first quarter 9-4.

With each quarter that followed, RI Breeze was making their comeback. Going into the last quarter, the As were just ahead by three goals so it was all to play for. With lady luck on our side, we managed to hold on and win the game by one goal!

Sports and Physical Education Enrichment

At QM, we have a huge range of enrichment activities for sports and physical education. From lacrosse to hockey, netball, running club, football, swimming, lifeguarding, and much more.

Click below to see the 2022/23 activities you can get involved in.

Click here to see the archive of past Sports Reviews.

Your Sporting Stories

If you have any summer sporting success stories we would love to hear them. There is so much talent at QM and we love to celebrate your achievements outside school with the QM Family. Be sure to share your news with the Sports Department or email

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